Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fall and Winter

Ugh! The annual Fall Cold is here. I have been waking up  every morning with a headache (Tylenol is my best friend) my throat hurts and my ears and nose are stuffy! But Im glad. It has been getting cooler here and I LOVE it. I love the fall because I love the weather, colors and overall, the feeling. I can never quite put my finger on why I love the Fall so there are just a few broader reasons :). All I know it that I love October and November.

Sometimes I will just go outside and sit. Just admire the world and all its beauty. I especially like watching the sunset. Have you ever noticed how the colors change in the sunset for the different seasons? They all have their specific "mark". The colors are more vibrant and cooler in the summer. The colors in fall are warm and comforting. Oranges, yellows and reds swirl together to make a "Kodak Moment". Its beautiful and makes me get this goofy grin on my face (seriously, you would laugh) and warms my heart. I feel invincible and like nothing can ruin my evening after that.

I also love the winter. I like the gorgeous snow dusted lawns that we get once a year or the fact that we have to start our cars early and get them warm. A Texas winter is no Colorado or New York winter but it fabulous. We don't get snow that often but when we do we are excited! Last year it snowed I think three times and everyone was outside enjoying the weather.

All seasons are fun but these are a few of my favorites and why they are.

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