Thursday, August 5, 2010

UGHHH! Technolology ( yes i misspelled it on purpose) Is so frustrating!

So i had a slideshow showing some of my pictures and the it decided that it wanted to STOP WORKING! Allie wanted to see some of my pictures and so I decided to post some. I guess my blog didn't want that to happen. I erased all of what i had done because i accidently pushed a wrong button! One more try... Just for you Allie!

I actually drew this for some one. I think it turned out pretty great... well the person i drew it for thought so! Thanks
Kat (thats the person I drew it for)
Ahhhh! My Joyous Baby! this was her first picture taken by yours truly! 

Why i like this one? I don't know! i took this in my mirror.
I love my puppy! I had just figured out how to use the auto timer on the camera!

I don't like the picture as much as what was happening while the picture was being taken. I was giving Allison all
theses directions to make the picture good, then decided to just get a picture of the pie she made. Needless to
say, she was annoyed. LOL! Sorry Allison!
We tried to take this one like 5 times! we finally decided to give up and go with this one. too bad i didnt know that hair was in my face. :( OH yeah! My friend Will took this because i told him to... he didn't want to!

RAKE!!! I don't know why I like this one so much either!
Alright! this one is of Allison's, Mine and Kira's hand.

<-This is everyone in my group at church camp shoes. At first, I just tried to get people with cool shoes on in 
the "circle" but when i did, it was more like a simi-circle. And I don't know why there is a big space between this pic and the text.
Allison wanted me to take this one to show Rusty that she was actually reading the book. How's that coming Allison? Lol

My mom actually took this one, but i like it so much. Our hands have icing on them and they say I <3 U
That day we were making a science project. It was a cake model of an eye. We were all trying to keep strait faces as we laughed and watched Darby attempt to lick my face.
Ta-Da! This one was taken by me! LOL! This was by far the messiest science project i have ever done!

So those are some of my favs! I know they aren't that great but they are fun!
Hope you enjoyed them as much as i do/did/am!


  1. Great job Jessica! It is really hard to load pictures on the your post! I know from experience! :) If you load them up to Photobucket and them copy the HTML you can paste it on the post! But to the pictures... I really like the butterfly! ;) Love the picture of your puppy! What is her name? I also love the one with you and the puppy! The shoe one is cool! I really like the one of Allison! Too funny! :) The one with you, Darby, and Caleb looks like y'all are having a lot of fun! And that is a really good cake! Nice job! And thank you for the post just for me! I guess that's it! :)

  2. You're Welcome! Her name is Joy. And we were not having "fun" we were having a BLAST! LOL! I guess that's it! Haha!

  3. Loved your pics. I can see you smiling as you wrote the captions.



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