Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Summer vs. School. The memory slap down.

     Summer. Most boring time of the year. Yup! I said boring. Other than camps, and maybe a family vacation (depending on what's going on) there is NOTHING TO DO!!! I usually pass time by writing in my journal, drawing, or writing some songs. That takes up all of two or three hours! The first couple of weeks of summer I'm all, " YEAH! Summer!" then as the rest of it rolls around, I'm just like," UGHHHHH!!!! SOMETHING TO DO!!!" So i'll clean my room, rearrange it, take some pictures of random things, and play with the dog. Still boring. (I cleaned my room for three weeks straight... Yeah three weeks)
     I am so  grateful for school. Those precious seven hours. I love that I can lose everything boring in the summer and head back to school and hang out with friends and have fun. You probably think I sound like a geek but I love school. Well for at least half the year. See thats when the teachers start cracking down and load you down with work. I enjoy learning things that other people don't know but when its text book stuff, you lose interest. I loved my seventh grade year. I had the best teachers and made tons of memories. One of my favorites was in science. We had a project due but my group was just messing around and not doing what we were supposed to do. We decided to look up our names on "code name generator". We clicked on a link and entered in our names. Mine was Lacresha Winkler. Darby's was something Marwadi, Caleb's was Julio something, and my teachers was Akiko. You may think that is a stupid memory but its just fun to think about. For the rest of the year we called her Akiko. Sadly she moved this year and I probably won't see her again. Another great memory is how my history teacher let us spend the last two weeks of school playing Apples to Apples and then made us spend at least 15 minutes on the final. Yeah, it was that easy. A lot of my favorite memories were made at school. 
     I do have my fare share of summer memories too. I am so thankful to live in a free country where I'm free to worship God. Super Summer was more than it sounds. It wasn't "super" at all. It was AWESOME! I had an amazing time worshiping God and making lifelong friends too. For those of you who don't know how the grades are separated, they call them schools and its by color. I had a friend in khaki, graduated seniors, and i decided to send her some e-grams. An e-gram is a little note you can send to people around the camp. The first day I wrote her five e-grams. They didn't have anything "special" on them in fact I think they had one word on each of them. The next day it was raining REALLY hard so before I left the cafeteria I grabbed a stack of e-grams. We got locked in the dorms and I decided to fill out the e-grams. All fourteen of them, to one person. By the end of the week my friend had accumulated twenty-two e-grams from me. I'll save this story for another time but here's something to "make you want more." Darby+ slick tile= some how under the table.
     I guess school and summer tie. Yes half of summer is boring and yes half of the school year is boring but the memories you make from both are something amazing.
Oh yeah! I lost the game. :)


  1. Good post! That's how it is for me too! I'm bored pretty much everyday of summer but then close to the end of the school year I can't wait for it to be summer again! I wonder if it's like that for everyone... By the way, you sould post some of the pictures that you take! I would love to see them!

  2. I would... but they arn't very good.:) probably because the pics are not of anything peticular! lol! and yeah im sure that its that way for most everyone! Thanks for the feed back!

  3. I thought it was twenty-one egrams...i guess i could count them, but..
    oh um i mean good post :) i feel quite honored to be mentioned


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