Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm HOW old?

    Today we went shopping for my mom's birthday. I'm not telling what I got her because her birthday is tomorrow and she sees my blog. All of my family's birthdays are within three months. July- Austin and Dad's, August- Mom's, and September- Jason's and mine. I can't believe that I'm going to be fourteen this year. That means that next year, I'm going to have my learner's permit to drive. It's kind of a scary thought. So close to being in high school. My brother is going to college this year. We are growing up. There's no Never Never land where I can go and never grow up. I'm looking forward to getting older as in 16 but not growing up. Like I said before, there's no choice, you can't help it.
     Being a teenager I see all the girls falling in love with actors and guys overly confident with their looks. I don't worry about looks or "love." I worry about what I NEED to be worried about. School, projects, and grades. Often, I find my self contemplating what it would be like to be an adult. There's no petty issues like boys or grades. There's real issues like work. It is hard to think that in just two years, I can get a job. I can earn money, pay for car insurance, and can drive without an adult in the car. Exciting right? I don't know.
    How can I be this OLD? No not old, young. :) I'm not saying old like a woman when she hits her forty and fiftieth birthdays. I'm about to hit some milestones in my life though. Sixteen then eighteen, then twenty one. I'm seeing my life flash before my eyes! :) Just kidding. I know that this post seems to be going nowhere but I have a point.
    As I get older, I realize a few things.
1.That nothing is in my control. It is all up to God. He makes the decisions. It's not my life, it is His.
2.There is no such thing as a coincidence. Every thing happens for a reason. You may not get the reason at first, but there is one.
3. Life is too short to live the same day twice.
4. You only get one life so you need to make a difference somewhere no matter how big or small.
5. And finally, Life is not a show. Its reality. I live my life for God. To my audience of one (God) you are the only reason I am here. If my life is a show, then I'm living it wrong.
I am not sure how to end this so this is how I'm ending it. Live, Love, Laugh.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I'll tell you later what I was going to say! :)


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