Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Have Faith and Believe!!!

     So when the life gives you lemons, make lemonade right? I see that when life gives you struggles, make the best of the situation. I was challenged the other day to find one good thing in someone that made me mad. Find one good thing in the deepest struggle. You have no choice in life to go left, right, or straight. You have your ups, downs, lefts, rights and standstills. Its like an ocean really. Some say roller coasters, some say mountains and some say its just rough. My life is fine. Just great! Other people's lives are bad. Falling apart at the seams. When they think that things are going for them, they turn around and another trial is there staring them in eye. I don't fully understand why God gives us hard times but he has a reason for EVERYTHING!!! It may be to show you the road to an unseen place or to reach someone outside your "comfort zone" or even to reach one of your closets friends. If people see that you are still worshiping God even in the midst of struggle, what would they think? Post a comment with your answer. I want to see what YOU think.
     I know that we all need to just have faith in the great, awesome God. He will pull through with what He thinks is best. Its not on your time it's His. It reminds me of a song I wrote, it says;
It's not by my clock, I will not sit and watch, I will hold on to what He has planned for me, I know that he will come into my world and do what he needs, it's the best for me.
He has the GREATEST plans for me and I don't even realize it. I will not sit and watch and wait and do nothing. I will wait and work on what he wants me to do. I often think that its harder to work and think in the quiet so I turn my music up loud. Its hard to wait when nothing is going on so you should do something in that time. Make a difference some where some how no matter how big or small. Have faith and believe. Never give up. Never let the "quiet" get the best of you. You are stronger than you know. I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me. Everything you do for the glory of God, (which should be everything) will prosper and give others that hope. In the midst of a struggle lean on God. Psalms 39:7 Now oh Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in You! Thats my favorite verse because it shows that in the middle of a struggle, look upon God. He is hope.
    Have faith. Believe and love. Laugh and be disciples of the Lord. I'm ending this with a chant from Super Summer. Love God, love people.


  1. Great thoughts! Many I'm experiencing in my own life right now. Waiting is hard, but I keep praying for those unseen things to affect me. Even though it might seem like God isn't moving or that He is far away at times, He is actually closer than we could ever imagine. I don't know why bad things happen either, but I know that He never leaves us. We have to trust in that.

  2. I don't think that there is anything more important than trust and faith.

  3. Jessi, I am so proud of the Christ-like woman you are becoming. Keep following and seeking after Him. I love you, sweet girl.

  4. Lindsey!!!! Thanks! Love ya too! I miss all yall so much!


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