Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all! Today, I went over to my friend Katie's house and we, me, Katie and three other friends, exchanged our Christmas presents. I got  a butterfly neckless and earrings, some lipgloss, a butterfly t-shirt and duct tape, some lip gloss and a trip ice skating with my friends ( which we took two weeks ago). My friend Caleb took me and two other friends to see Peter Pan the play back in October. We went on a trail out by Katie's house and I got some pictures of some stuff we saw. Also a dog named Cobie went with us, and I'm serious, he is the size of a shetland pony! And one more thing to add. Tomorrow is my friend Allie's birthday! So happy birthday Allie!

Cobie in the lake thing that the trail led to.
Cobie on the trail
Random Berry things. 
 This is Caleb, Katie, Darby, and Autumn. I was behind the camera laughing at them while they almost broke the hammock .
I saw this on the way back to Katie's house and just took a random picture. I have no clue why I like it.


  1. Lovely pictures! And thank you for wishing me a happy birthday! :)

  2. "Lake thing", "Berry things", so many thingies! Jaja, nice photos.

    Uriel E.


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