Wednesday, November 10, 2010

winners! * drumroll*

The votes are in and are counted!

Ok so our first place winner is picture #5! It was submitted by Allie of Allie Photography.

Our actual second place winner was picture #3! It was also sent in by Allie of Allie Photography!
So to be fare, I chose the picture with the third highest votes.

So our second place winner is picture #2! It was sent in by Christine of Christine Photography!

Congratulations to our winner and thanks to those who entered pictures! they were all GREAT!

If Allie and Christine would please leave a comment with your three favorite colors, that would be great!


  1. Thank you, thank you! Ha! My favorite colors are turquoise, hot pink, and black (not a favorite color but I like it with the other colors!) Thanks again!

  2. My three favorite colors are chocolate, pink, and aqua.


Thanks for tellling me what you think! If you are leaving a comment please leave your name... no anonymous comments... Thanks! :)