Monday, October 3, 2011

The Future

New and improved... hopefully. I am finally going to try get back to blogging. With band, school, and church stuff going on, I do not know how much I will be blogging. So her is a real post. GASP! A real post? YES! A real post! :)

My Future
     Lately, I have been wondering what I am going to do in the future. I have been noticing that I can't really say, 'When I grow up' any more. I am almost there and to say that would make me feel like a child. My mind changes daily. I want to be a writer, no a photographer, maybe a homicide detective, or a musician. I am so close to being able to decide what I want to do but I have no clue. I feel like a kid trying to pick out a toy. 'Okay, I am going to bring my Elmo. No! I wanna bring my Barbie. WAIT! NO! My Easy Bake Oven' I find it funny that most kids do not know what they want to do at my age. Freshmen, Sophmores, Juniors or Seniors. It doesn't matter. I want to know what I am going to do four years from now when I graduate college. Just like I want to know how I am getting home from school tomorrow. My future is not entirely set and the door is open to what ever I want to be. Here is my whole list/ job description for my future. You tell me what you think. :)

Jessica: She is a girl who has a passion for Christ, family, friends and crime shows. She is a homicide detective who doubbles as a mystery novelest/journalist. She is a mom who has a side career as a photographer and an artist who's magnificent work is displaied in twenty different art galleries across the world. Jess is a baker who has big dreams for small cupcakes. She is a wife that loves to spoil her husband. She is a music minister for a church that truely loves the Living God. She has a simple life filled with many task that consume her every waking moment and she loves it. She is simply Jessica.

What do ya think?


Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Buddy's Give Away!

My friend Allie at Allie Photography is having a give away. She has 550 followers and has decided to have a give away so thats what this post is about... The reason I put the title as my buddy's give away is because she gets annoied when I call her buddy and its quite funny when I call her that and she gets annoied. So yeah..... other than that, there is nothing else!!!! :)

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Running... at least trying to...

This summer I have been trying to get back into the swing of excercising. Well I guess not back into because that  implies that you once had to be doing that.... I have decided that I would start running when my mom and dog go on a walk. We are going on vacation soon and we will be walking a lot so I needed tennis shoes for the trip seeming that my old tennis shoes didn't fit. SO I got some Nike running shoes. I figured that the shoes could multi-task. So here are a few problems that I have encountered while trying to run.

1. Summer in Texas is HOT
2. None of my even remotely sportish clothes have a pocket for my iPod
3. Not in enough of "good shape" to keep a steady pace for forty five minuts....

New shoes= new problems.... :)

(Yes, this was a pointless post.)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Monday: Something Cute

Happy Monday everyone! I am getting back into blogging and have decided to start doing Happy Monday again. This weeks theme is something cute. I chose a picture of my cousin Cullen.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Back to blogging..... Its been how long????

Hello long lost blog friends! I cant believe that I haven't even posted since March... tad bit sad! :)

This past week I went to the most amazing camp EVER! SUPER SUPPER! (inside joke) Its actually Super Summer. I believe I posted about it before. Well this year was AWESOME! Truely awesome. The messages, music, skits, and rec were really amazing. Our message each day was given by Runks Runkles. Runks is not his actual name so no, his parents did not hate him and give him the name Runks which sounds a whole lot like Runkles.... his last name. The drama was by Far From Ordinary. Those guys are HYSTERICAL! I seriously cried from laughing at least three times. And the music.... Worship was led by Jourdan Johnson. He husband is Jeff Johnson if any of you have heard of him and or his music. She was awesome. Her voice was so incredible and just thinking about it gives me chills. If you want to look her up its under Jourdan Burks. I do have two things against her though.(not really! shes amazing)  1. she wore orange  to the worship service. 2. she dumped a bag of flour on me. You guys are probably really lost. The age groups are split up and are assigned a specific school color. Your school is your age group. It goes red, blue, orange, yellow, green, khaki/pink. I was in blue school, the truely superior school. My friends in orange decided it would be cool to buy her an orange t-shirt and ask her to wear it. Well she did. NOT COOL. :) and the flour was part of a game. at the end of each day of rec, we have a huge game where all of the schools compete in a game called Wild and Crazy. this year it was like a relay race and we had our "Jesus" that people had to carry through different legs of the race. One day I was in the game and at the last leg. the leg infront of me was where people had to carry "Jesus" through people that were making it rain flour and water coating them in a thick, doughy layer. Jourdan through her bag of flour as they were crossing the line to come to my station and some got on them but most of it got on me. it took forever to get out of my hair. Last week was amazing. i made a ton of friends and had  fun learning about the Lord.

The big thing i learned this week was to LIVE WEAK. It means that we need to rely on God. To lean on him.

Great week and i am going to end this with our blue cheer of the week. from the movie Brave heart,
OUR FREEDOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Em's Wedding

This past weekend my cousin, Emily, not the Emily in the post befor, got hitched! Her and her now husband have been dating for like EVER and they finally decided to tie the knot. My cousin Cody, her brother, was the photographer for the wedding and I was his self appointed assistant. I didn't get very many pictures because another one of my cousins kept taking my camera and taking silly pictures. So, heres the wedding I shot! kind of :)
SO! Ther are some pictures of another cousin with her dad and more cousins with my aunt. I have a TON of cousins. But the reason I decided to encorperate pictures of my cousin, who was also the matron of honor, is because she wasnt able to have a daddy- daughter dance at her wedding and so her sister, the bride, set aside a dance just for them two.

So how do you think I did. Remember, #1. This is my first session of anykind, even though it wasnt really my session but I decided to help anyways. #2 I am an amature photographer. and #3 BE NICE :)

And if you click on the collage, you can see it bigger...

Friday, March 25, 2011

Birthday Present

Hey you guys! It seems like forever  since I have seen you! :) Since Sunday is my friend Emily's birthday, I have deceded to make her a present. I saw this thing in my teachers classroom that had a word spelled out but of things from outside like a tree, door  knob, roof tops ect. I decided to take pictures that spell her name out and this is the finished product...

How do you think I did? Which letter is your favorite?